Wacaco - Minipresso NS
Wacaco - Minipresso GR
CAFEC - Abaca+ Cone-shaped Paper Filter
CAFEC - Tritan Coffee Server
Wacaco - Picopresso Protective Sleeves (Set of 2)
Wacaco - Picopresso 12g Basket
Wacaco - Exagrind
Fellow - Stagg EKG Electric Kettle 0.9L - Stone Blue + Walnut
Wacaco - Large Silicone Mat
Wacaco - Silicone Mat
Fellow - Corvo EKG Electric Kettle 0.9L - Matte Black
Fellow - Ode Brew Grinder v1.1 - Matte White
Wacaco - Exagram Compact Coffee Scale
Fellow - Stagg Double Wall Carafe
Wacaco - Picopresso
Fellow - Stagg Wooden Handle and Lid Pull Kit
Fellow - Eddy Steaming Pitcher
Fellow - 360° Sip Lid
Fellow - Shimmy Coffee Sieve
Fellow - Prismo AeroPress® Attachment
Fellow - Carter Move Mug with 360° Sip Lid
VAC - Vac One™ Air Brewer
Fellow - Stagg Paper Filters
Fellow - Stagg Tasting Glasses